Our Values

Our Values

Christ Centered

We believe in the authority of Jesus Christ the Word of God and aim to put him at the centre of our lives together. He has given us the bible which reveals Him to us and guides our living.


We believe that we are called to grow together as we learn more about our faith and become more like Jesus. We are called to equip and enable every person in our church family, from the youngest to the oldest, to explore their gifts and to serve among us.


We believe that we are called to be a family. To love one another, to forge cross-generational relationships, to support and care for one another and to work together. We believe that when and wherever we come together as church it should feel like home.


We believe in a loving, generous God and that we are called to be generous toward others. We do this by supporting individuals and organisations sharing the good news of Jesus across the world, by serving one another and our community with our gifts, time and finances and by using our building for the sake of God’s kingdom.


We believe God has called us to share the good news of Jesus with the people of Whitley Bay. We do this in word and action, by serving our community, and proclaiming what God has done for us in Jesus.


We believe that God calls us to be truly welcoming and inclusive, integrating new people into our family in a way that enables them to flourish. We want to build a bigger table so that there is room here for everyone.


We believe that we are called to come before God together to bring glory to his name in worship and in prayer. Our worship involves both speaking to him and listening for his voice.